May 25, 2010 (Started May 22, 2008)

  • Effectiveness
    Major (for neuromyelitis optica)
  • Side effects
    Severe (for Overall) (allergic reaction)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    A little hard to take
Dosage: 10000 mg Every 3 months
Advice & Tips: Make sure you are not allergic to the medication. Thought it was just an chronic infusion rxn, when I consulted the allergist, he said I was very allergic to it. Hated to stop the medication as it was very helpful. If you are allergic to guninea pigs/ mice do not take it!
Cost: $200+ monthly
Side effects: allergic reaction

Mar 7, 2010 (Started May 22, 2008)

  • Effectiveness
    Major (for neuromyelitis optica)
  • Side effects
    Moderate (for Overall) (allergic reaction)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    A little hard to take
Dosage: 10000 mg Every 3 months
Cost: $100-199 monthly
Side effects: allergic reaction

Mar 5, 2010 (Started May 22, 2008)

  • Effectiveness
    Can't tell (for neuromyelitis optica)
  • Side effects
    Moderate (for Overall) (allergic reaction)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    A little hard to take
Dosage: 1000 mg Every 3 months
Advice & Tips: Due to increased severity of pain from the Devic's uncontrolled with the max dose of 200mcg Fentanyl, it was decided that by neurology to do an early dose of Rituxan. In other words, instead of 3 months, we did the Rituxan in 2 months as in the past this has helped with the pain. The infusion was over 24 hours and I had severe issues with hypotension and ventricular arrythmias, needed increased fluid support and keeps the support meds scheduled at every 6 hours (increased the dosages of Benadryl and demerol, tylenol). Will see if the pain improves!
Cost: $100-199 monthly
Side effects: allergic reaction

Feb 28, 2010 (Started May 22, 2008)

  • Effectiveness
    Major (for neuromyelitis optica)
  • Side effects
    Severe (for Overall) (allergic reaction)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    A little hard to take
Dosage: 1000 mg Every 3 months
Advice & Tips: This is the only tx that seems to be best though for some reason my relapses try to recur with two months after the infusion. With the other chemo (MTX) I had too many life threatening infections so I had to stop, I will have to deal with the side effects for now. I do feel great for the first two months after the treatment. Usually the tx is done outpatient, but in my case I must stay inpt and the infusion is done between 12-18 hours due to side effects. Need hydration and cardiac monitoring before, during amd after to help deal/ monitor some of the adverse side effects. Myneurologist doesn't understand these increasing adverse reactions with each successive dose. Afraid to increase the frequency for this reason.
Cost: $100-199 monthly
Side effects: allergic reaction

  • 4 helpful marks