Dec 15, 2013 (Started Jun 10, 2013)

  • Effectiveness
    Major (for breakthrough pain)
  • Effectiveness
    Major (for pain)
  • Side effects
    Moderate (for Overall) (head pain)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    A little hard to take
Dosage: 2 tablet(s) Monthly
Advice & Tips: I had to learn about controlling breakthrough pain as the doc didn't advise me. It was my best friend who helped me put the pain med to the best use. Wow. It changed my life until I got my hip replaced and after surgery. For daily life I definitely did not consider driving my car even if I felt quite "normal." It's a powerful drug and I didn't want to take chances and I was very tired all the time from the meds, from fighting pain, etc.
Cost: < $25 monthly

Nov 7, 2013 (Started Jun 10, 2013)

  • Effectiveness
    Major (for breakthrough pain)
  • Effectiveness
    Major (for pain)
  • Side effects
    Moderate (for Overall) (head pain)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Somewhat hard to take
Dosage: 2 tablet(s) Monthly
Advice & Tips: I am not taking this medication under the prescription of my doctor. I have the tablets leftover from another procedure where I didn't use it at all. I only use this medication when really needed. I used to maybe take one about once a month for breakout pain. When my pain levels increased significantly over the summer but I did not reduce my activity or take any other actions such as icing I starting resorting to Percoset more like twice a month for breakout pain. If I try and take it more than once a week I get terrible headaches so it's not worth it. I had to learn how to strike a better balance. I just hope my one bottle, carefully used, will last me until I get my hip replaced and this whole mess is over. Also, another side effect from taking Percoset is sleepiness so I am careful not to take it before I have to drive so that takes planning which pain management in general requires.
Cost: < $25 monthly

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