What is aortic aneurysm?

An aortic aneurysm is an abnormal balloon-like or sac-like dilatation of the aorta caused by weakening of the arterial wall. The aorta is the largest artery in the body, originating from the heart and extending down to the abdomen, where it branches off into two smaller arteries.

How do members experience aortic aneurysm?

Top 5 symptoms reported by people with aortic aneurysm*

*Reports may be affected by other conditions and/or medication side effects. We ask about general symptoms (anxious mood, depressed mood, fatigue, pain, and stress) regardless of condition.

Top treatments taken by people for aortic aneurysm*

Who has aortic aneurysm on PatientsLikeMe?


Age Proportion # of patients
<20 0
20s 1
30s 11
40s 29
50s 37
60s 76
70+ 93

Distribution of sex


Sex Proportion # of patients
Male 114
Female 130