Real support for people living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • 34,508 members living with PTSD
  • 50 new members this month

You know how you feel. So do they.
Join PatientsLikeMe to compare treatments, track symptoms, and get advice and support from the ones who understand PTSD most: those living with it.

Access real-world data

"PatientsLikeMe empowers patients with its symptom and medication tracking capabilities and guides. They enable patients to be proactive and participate in deciding the direction of their treatment, rather than just waiting to see what the doctor will suggest."

member lizupatree

Learn about treatments

"No other site or forum compares to PatientsLikeMe. Share your story, what treatments have worked or not, ask tough questions and get real answers from people living with the same illness."

member Gusprieto

Share your experience

"Since joining PLM I have found support, courage to let others know what it is like to have a condition like mine."

member Foxie1

Track your symptoms

Track your health over time and see symptoms from others with PTSD

Commonly tracked symptoms
  • anxious mood

  • insomnia

  • headaches

  • stress

Start tracking now

Compare PTSD treatments

See which treatments others are using to treat their symptoms

Commonly tracked treatments
  • Prazosin
  • Sertraline
  • Clonazepam
  • Fluoxetine
Compare more treatments now

What makes PatientsLikeMe different?

Photo of Jamie, Ben and Steven Heywood

Founded by Family

"Our brother Stephen was living with ALS and we thought, ‘there has to be a better way.’ There is."

Jamie & Ben Heywood, Co-founders

Focused on Members

Living with a serious illness can sometimes feel like you’re alone. You are not alone. Meet Darryl and hear why he's more than PTSD.

data for good

Devoted to Data

Tracking the symptoms of PTSD helps our community manage their health today and helps researchers shorten the path to new treatments tomorrow.