32 patient evaluations for Requip XL

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Aug 31, 2009 (Started May 03, 2009)

  • Effectiveness
    None (for Other)
  • Side effects
    Moderate (for Overall) (tiredness, swelling in feet, numbness in feet up to shins)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 8 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: There were not any benefits from taking this medication. I did have a problem with my feet were swelling so much that I could not put my shoes on. The other side effect that I had was having trouble staying awake.
Cost: < $25 monthly
Side effects: weight gain, swelling in feet, tiredness, numbness in feet up to shins, constipation

Jun 28, 2009 (Started May 03, 2009)

  • Effectiveness
    Slight (for Other)
  • Side effects
    Mild (for Overall) (tiredness, swelling in feet, numbness in feet up to shins)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Somewhat hard to take
Dosage: 8 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: I really don't know if this has helped me. he only thing that i have noticed is that I don't have the rigidity in my left side of my neck and shoulder any more. My left arm is much more painful and i have more rigidity in it.I think that my disease is still progressing at a slow state.
Cost: < $25 monthly
Side effects: weight gain, swelling in feet, tiredness, numbness in feet up to shins, constipation

  • 0 helpful marks

Oct 11, 2010 (Started Oct 20, 2009)

  • Effectiveness
    Moderate (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    Severe (for Overall) (drowsiness)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 12 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: caused major drowsiness relieved restless leg syndrome tired all the time no energy
Cost: < $25 monthly
Side effects: drowsiness

  • 0 helpful marks

Oct 25, 2010 (Started May 10, 2010)

  • Effectiveness
    Slight (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    Moderate (for Overall)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Somewhat hard to take
Dosage: 8 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: I tried this treatment but it didn't work as well for me as the previous medication that I was taking. My doctor adjusted the dosage several times but it just wasn't helping me.
Cost: < $25 monthly

Sep 21, 2009 (Started May 10, 2010)

  • Effectiveness
    Slight (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    Moderate (for Overall)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Somewhat hard to take
Cost: < $25 monthly

  • 0 helpful marks

Jan 23, 2011 (Started Nov 21, 2009)

  • Effectiveness
    Moderate (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    Moderate (for Overall) (headaches, joint stiffness, sleep problems, tendonitis, stiffness in hands, hair loss, stiffness in fingers)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    A little hard to take
Dosage: 8 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: Requip XL definitely controls the rigidity in my left arm and the curling, charlie horse in hands and feet. But new symptoms have appeared and I'm not sure if it's from the Meds or PD. I wake up with achy, stiff fingers and my whole body pops and cracks at the joints when I move - tendonitis? I also sleep less and have gained a little weight.
Cost: $25-49 monthly
Side effects: stiffness in fingers, headaches, joint stiffness, sleep problems, tendonitis, hair loss, stiffness in hands

May 30, 2010 (Started Nov 21, 2009)

  • Effectiveness
    Major (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    Mild (for Overall) (headaches, sleep problems, hair loss)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    A little hard to take
Dosage: 4 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: Reduces rigidity Elevates mood
Cost: < $25 monthly
Side effects: stiffness in fingers, headaches, joint stiffness, sleep problems, tendonitis, hair loss, stiffness in hands

Jan 7, 2010 (Started Nov 21, 2009)

  • Effectiveness
    Moderate (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    Mild (for Overall) (headaches)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 4 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: Although early in my treatment, I believe it has reduced the tremor and rigidity. I plan on staying with the lowest dose possible...
Cost: < $25 monthly
Side effects: stiffness in fingers, headaches, joint stiffness, sleep problems, tendonitis, hair loss, stiffness in hands

  • 0 helpful marks

Feb 6, 2011 (Started Nov 01, 2010)

  • Effectiveness
    Slight (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    Mild (for Overall) (cramps in legs)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 14 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: I did well up until the 10 mg dose and then I began to feel worse. It is hard to directly link it to the dosage as a side effect. I'll reevaluate and see how I feel at 12 mg dosage.
Cost: < $25 monthly
Side effects: cramps in legs

  • 0 helpful marks

Apr 12, 2011 (Started Sep 01, 2009)

  • Effectiveness
    Moderate (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    Moderate (for Overall) (weight gain)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 6 mg Daily
Cost: < $25 monthly
Side effects: weight gain

May 21, 2010 (Started Sep 01, 2009)

  • Effectiveness
    Moderate (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    Moderate (for Overall) (weight gain)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 6 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: Helps with both tremor and restless leg syndrome.
Cost: < $25 monthly
Side effects: weight gain

  • 0 helpful marks

Apr 1, 2011 (Started Jan 01, 2011)

  • Effectiveness
    Can't tell (for Diagnostic assessment)
  • Effectiveness
    Can't tell (for multiple system atrophy)
  • Side effects
    None (for Overall)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 2 mg Daily
Cost: $25-49 monthly

  • 0 helpful marks

Mar 25, 2011 (Started Aug 26, 2010)

  • Effectiveness
    Moderate (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    Severe (for Overall) (nausea)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 8 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: Do not stop youe meds with out your Drs approval And be sure you titrate down slowly
Cost: < $25 monthly
Side effects: nausea

Jan 3, 2011 (Started Aug 26, 2010)

  • Effectiveness
    Moderate (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    Moderate (for Overall) (nausea)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Somewhat hard to take
Dosage: 8 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: I need to be very careful and watch my actions. I do believe Requip makes OC. I have talked to my Dr and when I believe OC behaviour is effecting my marriage and my life in negative ways we will ty something else. It is a pain, but Requip does appear to help PD symptoms
Cost: < $25 monthly
Side effects: nausea

  • 0 helpful marks

Apr 15, 2011 (Started Mar 17, 2011)

  • Effectiveness
    Slight (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    None (for Overall)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Somewhat hard to take
Dosage: 6 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: This treatment has reduced the number and severity of night time foot and calf cramps.
Cost: $25-49 monthly

Mar 31, 2011 (Started Mar 17, 2011)

  • Effectiveness
    Moderate (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    None (for Overall)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    A little hard to take
Dosage: 6 mg Daily
Cost: $25-49 monthly

  • 0 helpful marks

Oct 18, 2011 (Started Sep 12, 2008)

  • Effectiveness
    Major (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    None (for Overall)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 16 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: It works for me I couldn't work without it. I was over medicated for afew weeks and had moderately severe narcolepsy!
Cost: < $25 monthly
Side effects: dizziness, back pain, tiredness, tremor(s), hyponatremia, nausea, narcolepsy

Mar 9, 2011 (Started Sep 12, 2008)

  • Effectiveness
    Major (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    Mild (for Overall) (tremor(s), nausea, dizziness, back pain, tiredness, hyponatremia)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 16 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: Just increased my dosage to work up slowly to 24mg, I can now tolerate 20mg and will increase to 22Mg for next week, I hope, I can tell the difference because my tremors had become worse in my hand, arm, and even started in my left leg, Now they have calmed down unless I get too tired. Hooray! I will add Sinemet if I really need it. but for now I can still go to work.. I take all of my Requip XL early in the AM because I can't sleep if I take it at night, It is a little unpleasant when it hits -but it lasts for me until midnight.
Cost: $100-199 monthly
Side effects: dizziness, back pain, tiredness, tremor(s), hyponatremia, nausea, narcolepsy

Apr 8, 2010 (Started Sep 12, 2008)

  • Effectiveness
    Major (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    Mild (for Overall) (tremor(s), nausea, dizziness, back pain, tiredness, hyponatremia)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 16 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: Without requip XL, I would lose my fine motor skills and would not be able to work as writing. typing, etc. would be impossible for me. Word retrieval would become impossible again. This drug is a godsend for me and no trouble to take in the early AM not at bedtime. Love it for now - even with low blood sodium levels that must be closely monitored. n
Cost: < $25 monthly
Side effects: dizziness, back pain, tiredness, tremor(s), hyponatremia, nausea, narcolepsy

Mar 24, 2009 (Started Sep 12, 2008)

  • Effectiveness
    Major (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    Mild (for Overall) (tremor(s), nausea, dizziness, back pain, tiredness)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 16 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: This drug has done wonders for me. I just hope it keeps me in the condition that I am in now = a few arm and finger tremors almost seem like part of my natural self. It would be strange if they stopped. I didn't want to do any meds - just denial. I'm glad my neurologist knows the magic words to make me do what is best.
Cost: < $25 monthly
Side effects: dizziness, back pain, tiredness, tremor(s), hyponatremia, nausea, narcolepsy

Jan 11, 2009 (Started Sep 12, 2008)

  • Effectiveness
    Major (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    Mild (for Overall) (tremor(s), nausea, dizziness, back pain, tiredness)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 16 mg Daily
Cost: < $25 monthly
Side effects: dizziness, back pain, tiredness, tremor(s), hyponatremia, nausea, narcolepsy

Nov 27, 2008 (Started Sep 12, 2008)

  • Effectiveness
    Major (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    Mild (for Overall) (tremor(s), nausea, dizziness, back pain, tiredness)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 12 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: I was in denial, my usual state of mind about life in general,so I did not want to take any drug. My neurologist was very patient and did not push me to do anything. I started the drug - got very sick and then improved rapidly. You never know how your body, brain will react to drugs until you try them
Cost: < $25 monthly
Side effects: dizziness, back pain, tiredness, tremor(s), hyponatremia, nausea, narcolepsy

Oct 26, 2008 (Started Sep 12, 2008)

  • Effectiveness
    Major (for Parkinson's disease)
  • Side effects
    Moderate (for Overall) (nausea, dizziness, back pain)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 10 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: It makes you sick. About 20 minutes after you take it, it feels like you got hit by a car and knocked off a cliff with lightheadedness and nausea all the way down - then on some days after that I feel so good - like I never knew that a person could feel. Be sure to be compliant with this medication. I wasn't at first - too much denial and it was horrible.
Side effects: dizziness, back pain, tiredness, tremor(s), hyponatremia, nausea, narcolepsy

  • 0 helpful marks
Last updated:
Showing 10 of 32 patient evaluations for Requip XL