Jun 22, 2012 (Started Aug 03, 2011)

  • Effectiveness
    Major (for persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia))
  • Effectiveness
    Major (for major depressive disorder)
  • Side effects
    Moderate (for Overall) (PTSD triggers)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Somewhat hard to take
Dosage: 60 min Weekly
Advice & Tips: There are weeks that I have such a hard time going. I know I need to work through my issues, I KNOW my moods deteriorate horribly when I stop going, but some sessions are so painful and I feel like all I do is cry and feel even worse when I go home. Of course, after a few days of processing everything from the session, I usually see things in a better light, but it's like ripping off a huge bandaid on a very hairy arm, it just hurts that much in the moment. This is something that we actively monitor (my Psychologist and I) because the 'stopping going' is a known pattern of mine.
Cost: < $25 monthly

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