Jun 2, 2017 (Started May 26, 2017)

  • Effectiveness
    Slight (for irregular heartbeat (cardiac arrhythmia))
  • Side effects
    Severe (for Overall) (headaches)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 50 mg Twice daily
Advice & Tips: I ended up having to stop this medication due to the severe headaches that I got. It was not a migraine and took 24 hours to stop once we put the medication on hold. We did a challenge and with the first dose the headache returned. At this point, we are going to leave the arrythmias untreated unless they become more severe at which point we will have to go down the beta blocker avenue...although I also get headaches with them.
Cost: < $25 monthly

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