Dec 15, 2006 (Started Dec 15, 2005)

  • Effectiveness
    Moderate (for depressed mood)
  • Side effects
    Moderate (for Overall) (constipation, elevated blood pressure, agitation, excessive sweating)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Very hard to take
Dosage: 100 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: If you are the type of person where you are a bit nervous naturally, on edge, then this anti-depressant is not the right choice for you. It is very popular as it works with dopamine, but for me it didn't help me as much as it made me constantly nervous, and I would go through extreme sweating from time to time especially a couple hours after I would take it. As I reflect back, I would get a lot of anxiousness, and had a hard time being in groups, which was never a problem prior.
Cost: $25-49 monthly
Side effects: constipation, elevated blood pressure, agitation, excessive sweating, elevated blood pressure, agitation, excessive sweating

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