Jan 7, 2017 (Started Jul 08, 2011)

  • Effectiveness
    Can't tell (for fatigue)
  • Effectiveness
    Can't tell (for major depressive disorder)
  • Side effects
    None (for Overall)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 12.5 mcg Daily
Advice & Tips: In October began reducing very slowly this time and seems to be working. It was added with my old AD's as an adjunct and now after a year on the MAOI which actually seems to work. I will see family Dr to have thyroid test in a month or two to make sure that my thyroid is functioning normally as it was before I started the cytomel. Then if I need it I will take it. also if I am starting to get functional and do get back to work I could be in a position where I will not be on disability and may not have a plan to cover prescriptions. That is the case and that my new work is not statsitically to be high income saving $50.00 a month is going to be important, plus why take anything you do not need.
Cost: < $25 monthly

Apr 8, 2016 (Started Jul 08, 2011)

  • Effectiveness
    Slight (for fatigue)
  • Effectiveness
    Slight (for major depressive disorder)
  • Side effects
    None (for Overall)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 12.5 mcg Daily
Advice & Tips: Reviewed and returned to previous dose. Liothyronine-T3-cytomel is in Canadian Depression Guidelines as an add-on therapy. Was studied in the STAR-D trial and found to be well tolerated. Same effectiveness as lithium

Mar 26, 2016 (Started Jul 08, 2011)

  • Effectiveness
    Can't tell (for fatigue)
  • Effectiveness
    None (for major depressive disorder)
  • Side effects
    None (for Overall)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    A little hard to take
Dosage: 6.25 mcg Daily
Advice & Tips: Started as to help with depression fatigue, lowered to 12.5mcg without explanation , now trying to stop Rx but encountered extreme fatigue, so added back 6.25mcg per day and will have follow up with dr. Pharmacist had not heard of T3 for depression and looked at my history and said my through levels were high? So Dr appointment is due as the fatigue created by stopping could be depressing😬

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