Sep 16, 2015 (Started Feb 20, 2008)

  • Effectiveness
    Major (for persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia))
  • Effectiveness
    Moderate (for generalized anxiety disorder)
  • Effectiveness
    Moderate (for major depressive disorder)
  • Effectiveness
    Slight (for phobic disorder)
  • Side effects
    Mild (for Overall) (insomnia, vivid dreams, heart palpitations)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 150 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: This is a very effective medication, but you have to take the full dose, and you and your doctor may have to fiddle with the dosage until you get it right. So far, I haven't really suffered much by side effects. I have experienced some dizziness, but it's not clear that effexor is the cause.
Cost: < $25 monthly
Side effects: heart palpitations, insomnia, vivid dreams

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