Jan 19, 2009 (Started Dec 01, 2008)

  • Effectiveness
    Major (for Other)
  • Side effects
    Mild (for Overall) (insomnia, memory problems, weight gain, difficulty with orgasm, drug interactions, daytime sedation, dietary restrictions, difficulty thinking)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    Not at all hard to take
Dosage: 60 mg Daily
Advice & Tips: it's important to stick with nardil as there will be side effects but just hang in there. take the med the same times everyday (ie set a cellphone alarm). for many there is a "bliss" or euphoric experience in the first 2 weeks lasting 4 or 5 days for me (mine was at 45mg - my starting dose - and happened within 2-3 days of starting nardil) but this bliss doesnt last (dont confuse it for the med kicking in) as this "side effect" will go away and negative ones will return. the real med response comes later (for me 60mg for two weeks making a total of 1 month on the med)...comes as a feeling of calm, muscle relaxing, head clearing, and brightening of mood...all of which were quite dramatic and rapid at 1 month in for me. I still have down days but by far, my moods and anxiety are much improved.
Side effects: difficulty thinking, daytime sedation, dietary restrictions, insomnia, drug interactions, difficulty with orgasm, memory problems, weight gain, problems concentrating

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