Nov 30, 2012 (Started Jul 01, 2005)

  • Effectiveness
    Slight (for psoriasis)
  • Side effects
    None (for Overall)
  • Adherence
  • Burden
    A little hard to take
Dosage: Daily
Advice & Tips: we are using the tar in shampoo ,soap and mixed in drug but without information about side effect of it . Tar is an oily dark-brown or black mixture it separate from the gases formed in the distillation of organic matter such as coal, wood oils , fats and wastes of various sorts. coal tar ,is a by-product of the manufacture of coke from bituminous coals .this tar is the raw material from which solvents ,chemicals for dyestuffs ,and basic products for many synthetic drugs originate wood tar. is the by-product of the preparation of charcoal .the tar is one of the sources of acetic acid and acetone. it also is used to a small extent in various kinds of medicine. Gas tar. Retort -gas tar is a by-product collected at various points in the plants manufacturing illuminating gas from coal. oven-gas tar is the specific name for coal tar from retort-coke-oven operation. producer-gas tar is made when various coals are converted in to gas in" producers" by the aid of air and steam .blast-furnace tar results from the operations of pig-iron blast furnaces when coal instead of coke is used to change the iron ore to iron metal. water-gas tar is obtained as a by-product of the manufacture of water gas. Uses. tars of various origins are employed for roof-ing, coverings ,paints the impregnation and preservation of wood ,adhesives and binders, road coverings and compositions and asphalt materials. the most valuable use of tar is a source of chemical such as phenol(car- bolic acid),solvents benzene, toluene, anthracene ,and naphthaene (.from the world book encycolopedia volume 17 chicago il -published 1953). recommendation the tar for curing the psoriasis is related to period of ten years that time rail way installer company s used the wood from forests and installed under the rail ways before installing the wood they send to vacuum room ,after obtianing the tar and put out from set they send mazut to vacuum room only for preventing the wood from rotten nes. this tar were industerial and valuble material for them , because they could exploit the gun powder from it. this tar in medicine and pharmacology is important because had prepared from alive plant ,some day or month or years ago was growing in the forest but tar from nephta or gas millions years were under the earth now have not property for medicine. tar from charcoal before puting out the tar carbon in the charcoal had burnt now for medicine have not property. today for the rail ways engineers are using reinforced (cement and sand) a tar that time medicines recommended( 60 years ago)were available in pharmacy and market. tar from every plant such as tree from forest or plant from desert have special property it self. perhaps that time ( 1930-1960) this tar effected to psoriasis and had cured it .so, this shampoo ,soap and mixed drug are allergen to our body.

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